stuffed turkey

1/30/2010 08:22:00 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
I literally ate a loaf of bread. ugh, that's what i get for not eating dinner. I'm going to upload some pictures from Tarragona to my photo blog now.


1/26/2010 03:48:00 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Today i registered for second semester... well actually I still need to register for my Catalan II class, which is at a separate building, but assuming it is not full (which I doubt it is), here is my schedule:


Contemporary Spanish Art
(Picasso, Dalí, Miró)

Contemporary Spanish Film

Teaching English as a Second Language
(This class is taught in English)


Advanced Spanish Structures
(This is supposedly a composition/grammar type of class, I decided to take this to keep my writing skills fresh as well as my communication skills)

Catalan II

I am thinking about adding one more elective, that way when I get back to Champaign I may be able to fit my minor in one semester... either way, minor or no minor, I can graduate Fall 2010 and save myself a semester of tuiton.

I am super excited to start class again, right now I am bored out of my mind!

The Final Final...

1/20/2010 07:46:00 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

My final final exam is in about 15 hours. I have 2 things due other than taking the exam itself... and right now I am working on the "Casa de Bernarda Alba" essay. Everyone made such a big deal about it.. but it's only 70 pages of reading (plus it's a play so it's a great deal shorter in actuality).. and there is only one page of questions to consider when writing the essay. I am not worried. The other assignment is to answer 5 questions in our poetry packet (which will help me prepare for the Lit final anyway). What else... I have to go to the Sants building tomorrow morning and get my certificado so I can get credit for my Catalan class... and then I am going to try and register for next semester (I confess, I forgot to set up a meeting with the advisor, so hopefully he'll be available early tomorrow).

Today I had my history final, and went to sleep at noon, and woke up a few hours ago. Therefore, I have tranformed into a nocturnal creature yet again.

Also, I am moving Friday to the Guinardó area (by the Hospital Sant Pau)... from the ocean to the mountain. The price is 350 total for Gaston and myself including the gas and electricity and water bills, as well as internet. With a moto, getting around is a piece of cake, also the roomies are totally chill, and Spanish is the common language so I will get plenty more practice. I hung out with them the other night.. I feel a lot more comfortable with this crowd ( 2 Paraguayan cousins, plus one Romanian boyfriend ).

I can't wait to move out of this shit-hole in Barceloneta. I hate the men, I can't even walk a block without being harassed. Also- my roommate is the most awkward human I have ever met. There's no kitchen table, and unless I want to sit next to him with his feet up on the living room table, on the tiny ikea couch, I eat every day in my room. I have had ENOUGH!!! I had to replace the toilet seat, kitchen towels and sponges, shower curtain.. he doesn't do shit. He leaves his laundry out for weeks, so I can never do laundry, and I'm confined to this room. He peaked into my room twice without knocking... so I had to install a lock- NOT to mention he NEVER puts the toilet seat down. Now I have been quite patient, I realize that he, being from Delhi, India there is a big culture gap, but I am sick and tired of this tiny, shitty apartment, and he doesn't help matters.

OK now that I got that off my chest- Here's some exciting news:

Instead of taking a short, expensive trip to Greece this summer, I have decided that I would rather spend the money on a 2 week vacation to Costa Rica again. That way Gaston can get his waves, and I can get some peace and quiet ( I am getting rather sick of Europeans).

Hopefully Jimmy and Joy will come, I think it will be a blast. I want to take a separate trip to Greece, hopefully with Aunt Vikki in the future, or with my cousins... with someone who knows what to do and see, and how to avoid tourist traps.

That's all for now. I'm counting down the days till Gaston gets here.. 56 including today!!! YAYYYYYY

She wasn't looking.

1/17/2010 06:13:00 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
The car was switching lanes to my left, but then the driver decided to switch back without signaling. I realized this and put my left foot off the vespa to kick the side of her car while honking. I made a sharp right and got the fuck out of there. Stupid bitch.

been a while

1/16/2010 10:03:00 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Let me start by saying Gaston and I had a blast in Duluth and Chicago over break, and things couldn't be better (well actually they will be, when he moves here in 2 months). A ghost from my past proved to be the same old ghost over Christmas break... some people never change (and those are the people that don't want to). What else... I put 75km on my vespa yesterday.. drove around all over Barcelona (even went into the mountains twice). I have finals starting tomorrow... and then some time off, however I still have to register for classes, and visit possible apartments, because this one sucks, and I am over-paying. Not to mention my flat-mate is super awkward and I can't stand to be in the same room with him.

I can't wait 'till Gaston gets here, I miss him so much. After 4 years, I still get butterflies thinking about him. He is my best friend in the world; the person dearest to me. Without his light, I would be lost.

5:11am sunday. time to sleep