down to earth

5/26/2011 01:19:00 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
It sure is dark down here,
In this hole I have created.
Here I am sitting; unsure of what to do,
Passing time; wondering how I can escape this

I sure have made a mess of things,
This time around...
Babbás is sick; Mána not so quick,
Peanut is moving way too fast,
Shosh is pissy;
D is for dismal.
And, I push away everyone who gets close to me.

I sure have made a mess of things,
We'll see in time what patience brings,
For now I sit here in my hole;
Accepting that some things are beyond my control.

I See Hell In Your Eyes

12/10/2010 11:07:00 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Now I Remember

3/18/2010 03:22:00 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
I reversed my sleep. I'm awake and it's morning. And now I remember why I don't like to be awake in the morning. You are asleep now, and I didn't get to talk with you yesterday.
Can you please get here already?

musical discourse

3/13/2010 04:59:00 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
I may be inspired, by anger or tears,
But I won't write you another song.
You aren't deserving of my time,
And you'll never prove me wrong.

Instead I write this 8 line verse,
And someday you will see,
It was your fault that I'm not in your life,
As you've only caused me grief.

Cold Rain-> Snow Storm

3/08/2010 12:54:00 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Steven came to visit me last Wednesday night, and stayed thru Sunday morning. It rained all day Wednesday; even on my way to pick him up at the airport. And yet, the minute the two of us stepped outside the airport together, the rain had gone. The next few days were amazing, we ran around (or I should say rode around) Barcelona with Allison (my moto) and saw everything. The weather was beautiful, and there was plenty of sun. Steve left Sunday morning, I took a nap after dropping him off, and as soon as I awoke, it was thunder storming. As if cold, heavy rain was bad... today it snow-stormed. Barcelona hasn't seen snow for 10 years, and the last time it snowed here it only lasted about an hour. This snow was thick, and lasted all day.. and I felt good, almost like I was back in Chicago- however.. the snow eventually turned to sleet, and then rain.. and the melted the snow, resulting in puddles of water flooding the sidewalks, streets, and stairs to my apartment.

I did get a few errands done today- I cleaned out my section of the fridge, did some dishes, took my mail to the post office, went to the pharmacy and picked up my prescription, ate dinner, went to class but it was canceled, went grocery shopping and lugged 5 heavy bags up 150 stairs (not exaggerating). Now I am inside for the night- and tomorrow I am free until my evening Catalan class, so I intend to spend the day in the library catching up (not that there is much to catch up on).


she said what?

3/02/2010 06:59:00 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
I should be cleaning my room.
I should be getting to sleep.
I should not be online,
But I am a geek.

Fat Tuesday

2/16/2010 02:46:00 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Well I really had a fat Monday instead (me and a full slab of ribs)..
Tomorrow lent starts and I haven't slept; I drank coffee, pepsi, and tea today to keep me awake for classes- and all I have eaten was some chocolate this morning, and a friekin donut on the way to Catalan. Run-on sentence rants are so much fun! Lent is going to clean me in and out, seguramente. Gasty and I are both giving up sweets/soda/fast food/alcohol, but my extra sacrifice is to refrain from playing any form of internet games... his sacrifice is coffee. This is going to be a long, long 40 days... but I am looking forward to them- I am happy to do this..
PS RANDOM:I got the same Catalan teacher as last semester, she's so cool- I am pretty happy about this.
Good night all,
and happy fasting.